created by grasshopper games, no more heroes is a 3rd person action game where you play as travis touchdown, a nerdy loser who got his hands on a beam katana and became a ranked assassin.
the game is seperated into two distinct parts, the overworld and the levels. the overworld is scattered with collectables, but still feels very empty. the limited power of the wii shows through here, as only a handful of cars and people exist within the big city of santa destroy. this is very noticeable, since you'll be spending most of your time driving around destroy going from mini-game to mini-game.
in order to get into the levels, you need the appropriate amount of money. to get that money, you must first successfully complete mini-games called side jobs. none of these are particularly interesting, but they're all 2-3 minutes long, so they never get tiresome.
completing a sidejob unlocks an assassin mission where you simply kill the desired number of people in the desired way to get a payout. these pay higher than the sidejobs, and are more fun to play, since the game's combat is immensely satisfying, but simple.
once you've acquired the desired amount of currency, you'll be allowed into the game's levels. the level design in this game flip flops from genius, to fun but simple, to linear hallways. but there's always some great theming going on, like making the baseball stadium level have batting sections.
the real creative meat of this fiasco is the boss fights. each one is unique, fun to fight, and very memorable. just ask someone who's played this fight about bad girl, and you'll get a fountain of praise.
What this game lacks in mechanics and design it more than makes up for with creativity and style. I can't recommend it to everyone, but if you love your games being strange and brilliant, you'll love this.
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